Materials testing studies the behaviour of materials under different loads. In particular, the relationship between the acting forces and the resulting deformation and the limit stresses that lead to failure of components are considered. There is a range of standardised testing methods to characterise the mechanical properties of materials as precisely as possible.
Traditional test methods are used to determine the behaviour and materials characteristics of standardised materials samples under mechanical stress.
The impact test is a method with sudden loading and is suitable primarily for determining the cleavage fracture tendency or toughness property of a material.
Material fatigue describes a slowly progressive process of damage in a material under ambient conditions, e.g.changing mechanical stress or changing temperature.
Material fatigue describes a slowly progressive process of damage in a material under ambient conditions, e.g.changing mechanical stress or changing temperature.
The application of tribology in engineering is used to study friction, wear and lubrication. Wear processes are analysed by means of a so-called tribological system and are described by “systemic” loss variables.
Corrosion refers to the reaction of a metallic material to its environment, which causes a measurable change in the material. This can lead to impairment of the function of a metal component or a whole system.